Category Archives: Greenhouse

Photos by Nate: 2

I’m really impressed with my nephew’s photos, and I’ve decided I will post them once a week. This will give me a break, as well as show off the garden from Nate’s perspective. I’ve made it a point to teach … Continue reading

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The Late Overfill Garden

This spring, I’ve met a new friend, who hasn’t done much gardening in the past, but was quite interested in trying it out. There was some nice dirt next to the barn, and the previous gardener decided not to plant … Continue reading

Posted in Corn, Cucumbers, General, Greenhouse, Melons, Tomatoes & Peppers | Tagged , , , | Leave a comment

Greenhouse Tomatoes

If you’ve been following my blog for any length of time, you may recognize these tomato plants that I started in January. You may be asking why on earth I’ve started them so early, so here is why: I wanted … Continue reading

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The Garden is Full

Here’s my littlest helper, and the gardener that started All of the watermelons in the garden. He choose the seeds, when to plant them and how. All I’ve done to help him out is water his plants when they were … Continue reading

Posted in Corn, Cucumbers, Greenhouse, People, Peppers, Tomatoes | Tagged , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

The Final Countdown……

In one week, I’ll be busy digging holes, and shuffling plants. I am a bit nervous though, the other day I was picking grass for my Egg Laying chickens, and I hurt my back. It’s not too bad, though the pain … Continue reading

Posted in Cucumbers, Greenhouse, Tomatillos | Tagged , , , | Leave a comment

The Motley Crew of 2010: A look into the Greenhouse

I’ve been trying to restrain myself from posting pictures every time the plants grow a bit, but I just had to share the view inside the greenhouse. I find it somewhat amazing how the plants seem to grow in competition … Continue reading

Posted in Greenhouse, Tomatoes & Peppers | Leave a comment

A Few Pictures

It’s been a slow rainy weekend, so I thought I would post some pictures I’ve taken in the greenhouse. Above is one of my Yellow Stuffer tomatoes. The stem on this gem is nearly the thickness of a pencil ! … Continue reading

Posted in Greenhouse, Peppers, Tomatillos, Tomatoes | Tagged , , , | Leave a comment

Weekend Roundup 5/2/10

I’ve run out of space on my water tables, and it was time to either start placing plants on the floor, and hope no one steps on them, or build some more shelves. I decided to start building many more … Continue reading

Posted in Building and Construction, Cucumbers, Greenhouse, Tomatoes & Peppers | Tagged , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Weekend Roundup 4/24/10

The weekend started off easily enough, with plans to make a map of my small orchard. I walked around and took pictures of each identifing tag, and added each varieties name to a map. I’ve used a small piece of … Continue reading

Posted in Building and Construction, Chickens, Fruit Trees, Greenhouse, Onions | Leave a comment

My Confidence Grows in the Greenhouse Heating System

Here is a table full of Tomato and Pepper plants.  After the last few nights with cold weather, and even a bit of snow, I’ve gained enought confidence in the heating system to start moving my seedlings in. The tomatoes that … Continue reading

Posted in Greenhouse, Tomatoes & Peppers, Tools | Leave a comment