Monthly Archives: July 2011

Vacuum Sealed Veggies

I always grow way too much food for the family to eat it fresh, so we often freeze a good deal of it for winter use. I’ve always used zip lock bags, which work really well for storing produce for … Continue reading

Posted in Freezing, Vegetable Storage | Tagged | Leave a comment

Many Hands Make Quick Work

I’m starting to get lots of help pulling weeds, and It’s really helping greatly. In the photo, my niece, her friend and boots are taking one of there many breaks from work. While the kids were pulling weeds, I was … Continue reading

Posted in "Boots", People, Weeds | Leave a comment

First Garlic

I’ve gotten my first harvest of garlic, and although the bulbs are small, I’ve learned quite a bit from the process. When I planted these cloves, I used some dirt from the garden and covered it with a thin layer … Continue reading

Posted in Garlic | Leave a comment

The Bright Side

After detailing the war that has been ravaging portions of my garden in yesterdays post, I thought I would return my posts back to the bright side of things. The chard that I’ve been eating at least twice a week … Continue reading

Posted in Chard, Lettuce, Potatoes, Tomatillos | Leave a comment

War Waged on Two Fronts

I’ve been very vigilant this year trying to prevent an outbreak of late blight. I’ve resorted to using “Dragoon Dust” powder, as well as “Daconil Fungicide” spray. The powder should be applied every seven days according to the label, and … Continue reading

Posted in Critters, Deer, Endive, Ground Hogs, Late Blight, Tomatoes | 2 Comments

The View From the Top

Since I’ve learned how to use the tractor, the finish mower, and more recently the brush hog, I’ve started work on a new project: Mowing the entire field that surrounds my home.  The field is so big, that it would … Continue reading

Posted in 8N Ford Tractor, Amish Gardens | Leave a comment

Sandy and Davies Garden

I stopped in at my sister’s house this weekend, and as usual, I wound up taking a bunch of pictures. Sandy and Davie didn’t plant much last year since they were helping so much with my garden. After missing their … Continue reading

Posted in Celery, Cucumbers, Herbs, Lettuce, People | Leave a comment

Zucchini Surprise

Most of my zucchini plants are quite a bit behind schedule, and it shows. These plants have been the victim of ground hogs, which is a new arch-nemesis for me as well. In the past there was only one ground … Continue reading

Posted in Peas, Radishes, Zucchini | Tagged | Leave a comment

Link to I.T. Farmer’s Blog

I’ve just made a new button for anyone wishing to link to this blog. Here is the code to embed the icon and link on your site: <center><a href=””><img src=”” alt=”IT Farmer’s Blog” width=”206″ height=”189″ style=”border: 2px #00CC99 solid;” /></a></center> Thanks … Continue reading

Posted in General, Other | Leave a comment

Nature’s Measurements

I’m worried about Global Climate change, more out of a fear of the unknown, rather then having seen any changes in my own lifetime. If the world is changing as fast as some are measuring, we are in for one … Continue reading

Posted in Climate, Flowers | Tagged | Leave a comment