As I continue to dig out from the recent snowfall, I’ve been passing the time indoors by planning this years garden. While writting this, I have 20 types of tomatoes, and 7 types of peppers. I have so many types because I’m trying to build a collection of non-hybrid plants. Hybrid plants are great, but the seeds can’t be saved from year to year, so in the long run, hybrids are no good for building a collection.
Last year, I was given some Cheerokee Purple and Yellow Brandywine seeds, and the year before that, I started saving Red Lightning Seeds from Chinese Tomatoes. This year, I hope to save at least 15 varieties of seeds, including the White Tomatoes seeds that I have ordered, but have not arrived yet.
With the folder on the left, I’m saving all of the information about each variety of plant; and on the odd shaped piece of wood below the folder, I have a garden map, all plotted out, with 1 inch equalling 10 feet (The actual Garden is 60 Feet by 250 + Feet.). Planning this all out reminds me of the game Farmville on Facebook, but in real life there are no lines, and only Mother Nature’s rules.