Ever since I built my greenhouse, I’ve been growing a large number of tomato plants. Now, after two years of terrible returns things have gotten a lot brighter, well more of a red then bright, but much more colorful then past tomato harvests. You see I’ve been hit with Blight the last two years, and it ruined the whole patch, killing hundreds of plants. This year I have resorted to using three types of blight prevention: Deconil Fungicide and Dragoon Dust as well as a good spraying of Epsom Salt and Miracle Grow mix. The result ? A lot of tomatoes !
I started picking the tomatoes green as soon as they were large enough. I would then set them in my window sills till they ripened, at which time I would take them to my mothers home from processing. Mom has been working with the rest of the family to covert all of the bounty into spaghetti sauce, and so far they have kept up with the harvest.
I tried to narrow my focus with the types of plants grown this year, and I do not remember planting yellow tomatoes, but they have found there way to the table anyway.
I also had to share this very humorous photo I got just in the nick of time. Sandy told me to look at how fast the tomatoes were flying off the table. The bowl that was holding the cherry tomatoes was half empty. That’s when I decided to ask little Rob if he had anything to do with it. He replied by showing me his shirt full of cherry tomatoes.