The Motley Crew of 2010: A look into the Greenhouse

Shelves on the Right

Shelves on the Right

I’ve been trying to restrain myself from posting pictures every time the plants grow a bit, but I just had to share the view inside the greenhouse. I find it somewhat amazing how the plants seem to grow in competition with each other. Each tray holds about 12 plants, and I didn’t really organize them by when they were planted. I planted them all in the house, and moved them out in fits and starts, so they are mixed up quite a bit, but it still seems odd how plants in different trays compete. They form more of a wave of growth, rather then a step up and down style.

Shelves on the Left

Shelves on the Left

The tomatoes on the center shelf are more then a foot tall, and most have pencil thick stems. The peppers are also growing quickly now that the night time tempurature is getting warmer. I also have some Weeping Willow starters under the left hand shelf in the back. They don’t look too good in this picture, but some of them are getting some great roots. I imagine I’ll plant them by the small stream that runs past the grape arbor.

San Marzano Tomatoes

San Marzano Tomatoes

I took this picture to give a closer lo0k at the individual leaves. This is the same tray of plants that I posted about here. One of the plants had three leaves at the time, and I have it marked. It’s somewhat hard to believe, but there are 72 little plants in that photo above, which has me thinking about next year. I’ve planted these tomatoes into plastic trays made for that purpose. They seem to be a better use of space, but they are a bit more money. I may start converting my growing style in the future to use these trays, but it’s too late to change now.

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