Babe the Pig

Slop Trough

Slop Trough

When I was visiting Sandy, I found out that one of her pigs was for sale, so I talked to Mom later in the day, and asked if she could pay for half. I told her I would take care of it daily, and we could split the meat when the pig goes to heaven just before winter.

So this morning, I started the day by building a Slop Trough. I couldn’t remember just how tall the pig was, so I made the trough so that a short pig could easily get to the food. Just as I was finishing up, I got the call that the pig was ready for transport. I set off in my Chevy Cobalt, and found it doesn’t make much of a livestock transport. We had to disassemble the “dog carrier” kennel and reassemble it inside my truck.



Here’s Babe in her new home, inside a horse stall in Mom’s barn. My niece named her, when she was over at Sandy’s farm.

Growing Bacon

Growing Bacon

I found out that pigs love tomatoes, blight included, so I’ve found I’m now growing Bacon, rather then tomatoes…. I love bacon, and Babe loves garden scrapes. She’s got quite a selection of garden goodness.

Now, I just need some cows…..

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