Working With Nature

Pond Frog

Pond Frog

I visited my sister Sandy this weekend to take some pictures of her puppies. While there, I couldn’t help but take photos from around her pond. It’s about 25 feet wide and I’m guessing 40 feet long, but it’s absolutely loaded with wildlife. The baby fish swim in schools that would rival shots from the Discovery Channel, and frog croaks constantly fill the air. My camera has a very large zoom lens, so from 20 feet away, I was able to get a shot of a pond frog without disturbing him in the least. I would guess this frog is the size of my fist.

Transporting the Turtle

Transporting the Turtle

During the course of the day, a Snapping turtle crossed our paths. I’ve heard these creatures can easily chop off a finger or two, and we decided it would be best if he lived somewhere else. Davie managed to get this turtle into a very old looking barrel. We set of in my car to take the turtle to it’s new home. There is a local project where conservation is in mind, and we thought this would be the best place for this turtle. He would have a small chance of seeing people again, and we wouldn’t have to worry about the kids fingers being missing.

Releasing the Turtle

Releasing the Turtle

Above, Davie coaxes the turtle out of the barrel, into a remote waterway. This will make a nice home for this turtle. The water is usually a bit deeper, and there should be plenty of food for this guy to survive. He’ll be better off here in the wild anyway.

Freedom at Last

Freedom at Last

After being in the barrel for 20 minutes for a ride in the car, I think “snappy” was kinda disoriented. It took him a minute to poke out of his shell, but eventually he did. I really like the pattern of spikes on his tail, which remind me of a Stegosaurus.

So rather then being cruel to nature, we worked with her; rather then hurt it, we simply relocated it. This turtle is now in the middle of a very large forest, in a remote area, where it will forever be free.

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